Aloha ~
Growing up in Hawaii has been a very treasured experience for me. My father was in the Coast Guard and our family moved from Maryland to Oahu when I was nine years old. One of my favorite memories while attending Aina Haina Elementary was on Aloha Fridays when were allowed to go barefoot!
During my teenage years, we had the rare privilege of living in the residence at the Diamond Head Lighthouse.
While in college at the University of Hawaii I biked daily from Waialae Iki Ridge to Manoa Valley. There I was able to create my own major and studied various cultures, diets and the relationship of how we choose our food.
I believe in the importance of adding love and gratitude into every meal created. When these qualities are infused into the food we enjoy, our bodies naturally respond with vibrant health.
I look forward to bringing new levels of wellness into your world.
‘Ai Pono,

Alyssa Moreau has been a personal chef for private households since 2000, focusing on healthy vegetarian meals. Prior to that she worked with naturopathic physician Dr. Laurie Steelsmith as a dietary counselor for patients with health challenges such as food allergies, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and weight loss/gain.
Graduating from the University of Hawaii with a B.A. in Environmental Health, Alyssa spent 15 years in food service within the local restaurant industry. She has taught vegetarian and wellness cooking classes for the continuing education programs at Kapiolani Community College since 2002.
Her recipes have been featured in Vegetarian Times, Eating Well, Better Homes and Gardens and the Honolulu Advertiser. Alyssa is a contributing chef to two popular local cookbooks: A DASH of Aloha and to A Sweet DASH of Aloha.